Position: The Contractor/Developer
Location: Dar es salaam
Job Summary
The Contractor/Developer will develop a training curriculum and support
training of providers and program staff on the mobile system. They will
provide ongoing maintenance of the system over the duration of the
program. The Contractor/Developer will work with Pathfinder to shift the
management of the system to the districts of program intervention after
the end of program.
- Minimum Qualification: Bachelor
- Experience Level: Mid level
- Experience Length: 3 years
Job Description
Term of Reference for Developing
Mobile Application using DHIS 2 or OpenSRP for provision of Family Planning
services in the community using the Balanced Strategy Plus as well as the
Tanzanian Family Planning Guidelines
1. Background
International received funding from USAID through Jane Goodall Institute (JGI)
to implement Reproductive Health/Family Planning activities under the Landscape
Conservation in Western (LCWT) Tanzania project. Within the LCWT project,
reproductive health (RH)/family planning (FP) activities fall under
intermediate result (IR) 4 which covers both community and health
facility-based FP interventions. The community-based interventions include
recruitment, training, and working with community health workers (CHWs) in the
provision of voluntary FP education, services, referrals and referral tracking
for client follow up. The facility-based interventions include training of
health service providers on comprehensive FP counselling and provision of both
Short Acting methods (SA) and Long Acting Revisable Contraceptives (LARCs).
Other facility-based interventions are supportive supervision, on the job
mentorship of the providers as well as supporting the health facilities and the
providers to comply with family planning and environmental standard provisions
and procedures. In addition, the project implements mobile outreach clinics,
whereby teams of trained service providers travel to remote villages and health
facilities and work in collaboration with CHWs and village leaders to mobilize
and delivery voluntary FP information and services to women, men and
2. Objective
of the study
This terms of reference includes activities to be completed by Contractor/Developer
to develop a mobile based solution using one of the following open source
platforms DHIS 2 or OpenSRP for provision of Family
Planning Services in the communities under the Landscape Conservation in
Western Tanzania (LCWT) project.
The Contractor/Developer will develop a training curriculum and support
training of providers and program staff on the mobile system. They
will provide ongoing maintenance of the system over the duration of the
program. The Contractor/Developer will work with Pathfinder to shift the
management of the system to the districts of program intervention after the end
of program. All data from this project will be owned by Pathfinder and
districts and then overall management of the system will be shifted to the government
after close out of the project.
3. Request for Proposal
International calls for proposals from contractors/Developers who can engage in
the development and deployment of such mobile applications.
Primary Activities Include:
a. Develop a Family Planning (FP)
Mobile Application for Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Supervisors
Contractor/Developer will work with Pathfinder to specify requirements to the
family planning application to include Barcode/QR Code scanning options during
referral issuing, Population, Health and Environment (PHE) Messages and comprehensive
follow-up modules. The Contractor/Developer will build the applications and
conduct internal testing, in collaboration with Pathfinder. The
Contractor/Developer will then work with Pathfinder staff and national family
planning trainers to refine the application.
b. Provide training of trainers [TOT] workshop to Pathfinder staff to enable training of CHWs and their Supervisors using the mobile Family Planning apps.
The Contractor/Developer will support Pathfinder to update the curriculum for training CHW and their supervisors on the FP mobile Apps. The Contractor/Developer will train the Pathfinder field teams to lead the training through a training of trainers’ workshop which will consist of xx week trips to each region of Kigoma and Katavi. The Pathfinder team will then lead the CHW/Supervisor training and be responsible for follow-up. After the training of trainers. The Contractor/Developer will provide remote support to the Pathfinder teams.
The Contractor/Developer will lead a training of trainers’ workshop to train Pathfinder on how to train CHW and Supervisors. This will occur in conjunction with the CHW TOT mentioned above. This training will support Pathfinder to teach CHW Supervisors to send messages to CHWs regarding method availability and outreach services.
The Contractor/Developer will integrate selected indicators into Pathfinder’s DHIS-2 database.
c. Dashboard Development:
Reports will be made accessible on dashboards tracking CHWs monthly reports (CHWs Monthly Performance and District, Ward and Village performance). The Contractor/Developer will develop and modify the dashboard reports which allows tracking of selected indicators
The Contractor/Developer will work with Pathfinder to make FP dashboard, including:
- Customized reports, queries, as mutually agreed upon by both parties
- Linking bio-data fields in the objects that relate to the clients.
- Developing a pay for performance system to include performance incentives for follow up. Specifications for the pay for performance will be provided by Pathfinder.
- The Contractor/Developer will integrate select community data based on FP service indicators with Pathfinder’s DHIS-2 database.
- The Contractor/Developer will add additional checks for quality assurance in the system to monitor suspicious visits [those taking less than a specified period, overdue visits, unfinished visits, and visits occurring at night which will support the Pathfinder team to better follow up with under-performing CHWs.
- The Contractor/Developer will add key demographic data from the client object into other objects. Pathfinder will specify which fields they would like to integrate.
Ongoing Support:
The Contractor/Developer will provide ongoing technical and programmatic support to the project, including review of data, troubleshooting technical issues, regular meetings with the Pathfinder.
Family planning
1.Develop CHW FP application & Training of trainers
- Modification of CHW FP App, CHW supervisor APP
- Training of trainers for Pathfinder teams
2.Dashboard updates for Family Planning system
- Build on family planning dashboard data to include additional analyses
- Update raw data downloads to include linked data from client object
- Integrate upon agreed community indicators into Pathfinder’s DHIS-2 system
3.Maintenance of Family Planning system:
- Responses to any technical issues
- Minor modifications to the mobile app to meet program needs
- Support of the server & dashboard
- Supportive supervision visits to support Pathfinder field teams
- Modification of Dashboard as mutually agreed on by both parties
How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:The Applications should be submitted before or by 31st August 2019 to the following address:
Email: Tanzania-jobs@pathfind.org and Procurement-TZ@pathfinder.org .
Procurement Committee
Pathfinder International-Tanzania
P.O. Box 77991
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Attn: Janeth Paul
Off: +255-767 997 778/785 760 560
Tel: +255-22-2700726/29
Fax: 255- 22- 2700815
Physical delivery: Pathfinder International office,
260 Chato Street, Regent Estate,
Mikocheni, Dar es Salaam
Position: Consultant
Location: Dar es salaam
Job Summary
Pathfinder International calls for proposals from research organizations
to manage 50 data enumerators for the study that will kick off in
September 2019 for a period of one year. The consultancy will involve
hiring of data enumerators, daily supervision of data collection, data
cleaning and data entry, holding data review meetings, timely submission
of data collected, proper management of data collection devices and
regular reporting on consultancy progress.
- Minimum Qualification: Masters
- Experience Level: Management level
- Experience Length: 4 years
Job Description
Term of Reference for Managing 50 Data Enumerators for Beyond Bias Project in Dar es Salaam Region
Objective of the study
a primary focus on a non-judgmental and unbiased service delivery to
youth and adolescents, the project will execute a 12-month study. The
study will be an implementation of the designed and tested solutions
towards improvement of the provision of SRH services to adolescents in
75 public and 24 private health facilities in Ilala, Kigamboni,
Kinondoni, Temeke
and Ubungo districts of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. To support the service delivery focus of the project,
Pathfinder will also work with Family Planning (FP) Providers from the
selected facilities
to increase self-reflection and
realization of bias, set strategies to address bias and commit
themselves in providing unbiased services to youth clients whenever
they are needed to. The project has one integrated innovative solution
with three pillars to overcome provider bias and ensure high quality of
unbiased service delivery to the target group. These solutions
are Summit, Connect and Reward which all of them have different data
collection tools and mechanisms. This 12-implementation period is
focusing on achieving non-judgmental, unbiased contraceptive service
delivery to targeted youth and adolescents regardless of their age,
marital status and parity. This will take into considerations the
measure of the effectiveness of the employed solutions in the pilot
Aims of the Consultancy
- To recruit 50 data enumerators
- In collaboration with Pathfinder, the consultant will facilitate enumerators training to ensure clear understanding of the project, project pillars and different data collection tools as per pillars of the study
- Designing work plan and oversee the implementation plan
- Assigning enumerators to the project sites
- Ensuring timely data collection, synchronization and analysis
- Overseeing the data collection task including the delivery of high -quality data
- Organizing spot check activities, assessing the enumerator’ performances and conducting frequent activity review meetings
- Designing the trouble shooting strategies in: drop off-of the trained enumerators, low data collection rate than the daily collection requirements, poor quality data e.t.c
- Timely submission of the required data reports
Read Also:
Interested research institutions are requested to apply for this consultancy. The proposal should include the following information:
Interested research institutions are requested to apply for this consultancy. The proposal should include the following information:
- Demonstrated capacity and experience of recruiting and managing research assistants/data enumerators.
- Ability to expedite and mobilize high quality study team with trained enumerators;.
- Experience of managing large data sets.
- Familiarity of M-Health and Digital health and experience of using mobile applications for data management and visibility
- Demonstrated experience of using Survey 123 for ArcGIS
- A high – level consultancy framework, indicating how your institution will approach this activity;
- A top line budget for conducting this consultancy;.
- Names, profile/CVs and roles of key staff who will be involved in conducting this research study
How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:The Applications should be submitted before or by 16th August 2019 to the following address:
Email: Tanzania-jobs@pathfind.org and Procurement-TZ@pathfinder.org .
Procurement Committee
Pathfinder International-Tanzania
P.O. Box 77991
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Attn: Janeth Paul
Off: +255-767 997 778/785 760 560
Tel: +255-22-2700726/29
Fax: 255- 22- 2700815
Physical delivery: Pathfinder International office,
260 Chato Street, Regent Estate,
Mikocheni, Dar es Salaam.
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