Position: Engineers
company from Tanzania. Our system shows that this company is In
Business. More precise status of MABALA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED is Incorporation.
The date of incorporation is 2006-08-23, so the age of this
business is around 14.92 years.
Mabala construction Company would like to advertise job vacancies for Mechanical Engineer and Civil engineer. The company is located in Mbauda Arusha area, at Arusha district. For anyone with the required standards and qualifications, they can submit an application when they see this advertisement. The required age is from 25-45 years, and the company does not care about gender. We need hard worker Engineers, and who can work under minimal supervision. A good salary will be given to those who can meet the required standards.
Valid date for this vacancy will be from 20th July 2021-31st July 2021
Should you meet the above mentioned qualification and interested, Please send your CV through below mentioned e-mail address, Or call listed Telephone numbers for more clarification.
Telephone Numbers: 0754-317428/ 0694-308947/ 0683508719
E-mail: md.speedwayps@gmail.com
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