Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) is an Executive Agency of the President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, (PO-RALG), established under Section 3 (1) of the Executive Agencies Act. (Cap. 245) by Order published in Government Notice No.211 dated May 12, 2017; and was inaugurated on July 02, 2017.
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The aim of TARURA is to provide sustainable and cost effective maintenance and development of Rural and Urban Roads Network to support the social economic development of Tanzania.
To be a leading institution in the management of rural and urban roads network
To plan, design, construct and maintain rural and urban roads network in a cost effective manner for sustainable social economic development
With regard to the aim, vision and mission, the main objectives of TARURA towards rural and urban roads Network shall be to:-
i) Reduce HIV/AIDS infections and improve supporting services;
ii) Enhance and sustain National Anti-Corruption Policy and Strategies;
iii) Improve Rural and Urban roads network;
iv) Improve Financial Resources management;
v) Improve Human resource management; and
vi) Improve Institutional capacity in carrying out mandated functions
The Agency have six (6) objectives in its five years Strategic Plan (2016/2017 – 2020/2021) upon which when effectively implemented, are expected to result into outputs related to core and support functions of development and maintenance of rural and urban roads network.
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The main functions of TARURA shall be to:-
i) Develop and maintain rural and urban roads network;
ii) Carry out engineering traffic and economic studies for the maintenance and improvement of the road network;
iii) Establish, maintain and update road management systems;
iv) Undertake procurement and management of contracts for design, maintenance, emergency repairs, spot improvements, rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of roads;
v) Improve road safety and manage environmental impact in the road network,
vi) Establish and maintain appropriate rural and urban road databank;
vii) Establish and operate weighbridges and enforce axle load control in the rural and urban roads network;
viii) Provide technical support, supervision, quality assurance and control;
ix) Negotiate agreement with private sector entities to facilitate financing and development of selected roads in accordance with guidelines prescribed by Minister; x) Adopt harmonized approach on technical standards for the promotion of the sustainable rural and urban roads network;
xi) Undertake research or collaborate with any research organization with a view to facilitate the Agency’s plan, development and maintenance activities;
xii) Demarcate and protect road reserve; and
xiii) Advise the Ministry responsible for Regional Administration and Local Government on matters relating to rural and urban roads.
TARURA has announcing 73 contracts works for all Tanzanians, For more information and mode of application please download a pdf file attached below:
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