MUHAS Degree and Diploma Selections 2021/2022 | Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Selections

MUHAS Degree and Diploma Selections 2021/2022 | Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Selections


 MUHAS Selection 2021/22 | MUHAS Selected Candidates 2021, Waliochagukiwa MUHAS, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) selection 2021/2022 academic session is out and now available online. List of Selected Applicants Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) for 2021/2022 Academic Session. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Candidates Selected for Undergraduate Admission.
Read also: All univeristies selections 2021/2022

Each selected candidate MUST carefully read and understand his/her admission status in the last column as follows;
Applicants with Single Admission:
  • Candidates in this category do not need to confirm, they have been selected to join MUHAS only. They are required to log in to their accounts and download admission letter and other admission documents which are found in the admission
  • documents section.
Applicants with Multiple Admissions:
  • Candidates in this group have also been selected to join other institutions as published and announced by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU). In this category, candidates are required to urgently log in to their accounts in the MUHAS Online Application System and confirm their admission ASAP.
  • Failure to confirm by the deadline will indicate that you have NOT accepted the offer and your slot will be filled by other qualified applicants. Please note, admission letter and other admission documents will only be accessible to candidates who have confirmed. Applicants whose names do not appear in the list, they should consider themselves unsuccessful.
MUHAS Selection 2021/2022 | MUHAS Selected Candidates 2021.

Follow links below to Download Announcemenr PDF Files from MUHAS and check your selection status for both Degree and Diploma Selected Applicants 2021/2022
MUHAS Selection 2021/2022 | MUHAS Selected Candidates 2021.


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