Jinsi ya kupata kitambulisho cha NIDA Kilichopetea

Jinsi ya kupata kitambulisho cha NIDA Kilichopetea


Jinsi ya kupata kitambulisho cha NIDA kilichopotea

The National Identification Authority (NIDA) has issued instructions on the steps to follow when a person loses their identity card in order to obtain a new identity card.

NIDA has been forced to provide the information after one social network user questioned why the issuance of electronic passports requires a national identity card.  The manNIDA has stated that anyone who loses their ID will be required to report to the police but will also have to pay TZS 20,000 which is the cost of having another ID made. questioned what would happen to those who had lost their IDs and needed passports.

Arrive at our registration office The district where you live / registered, you will be given a form to send to the police for a Loss Report, as well as a form with account number for making payment of TZS 20,000 / = cost of producing ID  new. ”

In addition, NIDA said that after receiving the notice of loss of identity, they will submit it to their offices to begin the process of obtaining a new identity card.

"Upon completion of the payment, you will submit a payment certificate as well as a loss report to our registration office to begin the process of repairing and obtaining another ID."

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  1. Mm nataka kujua kwanini vitambulisho vinachelewa Sana kutoka ,mfano mm nimejiandikisha mwaka 2019 lakini nilienda ofis ya Nida nikaambiwa kitambulisho chako bado hakijatoka toka Sasa sielewi shida Nini mda wote huo?

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  5. Reward Linus Charles


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