Job vacancies at Kilwa District council

Job vacancies at Kilwa District council

TANGAZO  LA  NAFASI  ZA KAZI. Mkurugenzi   Mtendaji   wa    Halmashauri   ya   Wilaya    ya   Kilwa   anayo   furaha kutangaza nafasi 04 za ajira ya kudumu  kwa watanzania wote  wenye sifa stahiki ikiwemo  Katibu Mahsusl Daraja la IlI. Mtendaji wa Vljiji Daraja  IlI na Dereva  Daraja II. Nafasi za  ajira  hizi zinatokana na  Kibali cha  ajira  mbadala kutoka  kwa  Katibu Mkuu  Ofisi  ya  Rais,  Menejimenti  ya  Utumishi wa  Umma  na  Utawala  bora  kwa barua  Kumb  Namba  FA.170/372/01'A'/91  ya tarehe  26 Novemba,  2021.


 The Executive Director of Kilwa District Council is pleased to announce 04 permanent vacancies for all eligible Tanzanians including Secretary Mahsusl Grade IlI.  Vljiji Grade IlI Executive and Grade II Driver.  These vacancies are based on the Alternative Employment Permit from the Permanent Secretary Office of the President, Public Service Management and Good Governance by letter Ref No. FA.170 / 372 / 01'A '/ 91 dated November 26, 2021.


 1.1 Duties and Responsibilities.

 • Coordinate and oversee the planning and implementation of Village Development Plans.

 • Manage the protection and security of citizens and their property.

 • Collect revenue of the Village Council.

 • Manage.  collect and store all records and village documents.

 • Secretary to all meetings and committees of the Village Council.

 • Oversee the formulation of village by-laws.

 • Accounting Officer and Chief Executive Officer and Village Government.

 • Receive and hear and resolve complaints and disputes of citizens and

 • Other duties to be assigned by the employer.

 1.2.  Applicant Qualifications

 • Must be a fourth or sixth form graduate and also have a certificate / Diploma degree in one of the following fields: • Administration, Law, Social Education, Financial Management, Community Development and Arts Science from any recognized college  and Government.

 1.3 Salary Level is TGS B.

 2. SPECIAL SECRETARY- Position 01

 2.1 Duties and Responsibilities

 • letter printing, general information.

 • Assist in welcoming visitors and asking them about their problems and directing them to places where they can be dealt with.

 • Assist in keeping records / records of events, appointments, meeting dates.  his Chief's travels and other scheduled work schedules in the office where he works and notify his Chief in due course.

 • To assist in compiling and filing documents with the Chief or anything else in the office.

 • Assist in conveying the instructions of his / her Chief of Staff to his / her assistants and also informing them of any information that may be provided to them by their assistants.

 • Assist in receiving files, distributing them to officers in his area and collecting, storing and returning them to

 • Other duties to be assigned by the employer.

 2.2 Qualifications of the Applicant

 • Must have a Form IV / VI qualification

 • Must have attended ministerial training and passed the third stage examination.

 • Have passed the Swahili and English Shortcut lesson for 80 minutes.

 • Must have received computer training from any Government-recognized college and obtained a certificate in Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet, E-mail and Publisher programs.

 Salary level is TGS B.

 3. DRIVER GRADE II - Position 01

 3.1 Duties and Responsibilities

 • Driving passenger cars, and trucks,

 • inspect the vehicle and its components are in good condition,

 • Carry out vehicle inspections before and after the trip iii to identify defects that need to be repaired.

 • Carrying out minor repairs to the vehicle,

 • keep a log-book for all trips.

 • Other duties to be assigned by the employer.

 3.2 Qualifications of the Applicant

 • Must have a Form IV / VI qualification

 • Have a "C" operating license and a driving experience of at least three years without causing an accident

 • Have a Grade II Technical Examination Certificate

 • Have a Government recognized Certificate

 Salary level is TGS B.


 i) All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania.

 ii) All applicants must be between the ages of 18-45

 iii) All applicants must attach a birth certificate.

 iv) Applicants should attach a personal statement (CV) containing the address and reliable telephone numbers and two names of sponsors.

 v) Applications should be accompanied by a single photo (Recent Passport size no name added to background).

 vi) Applications should be accompanied by copies of academic / school certificates and college graduation certificates.

 vii) All applicants should attach a copy of the National Identity Card (NIDA) - for those who do not have such IDs, NIDA numbers should be entered on the CV.

 viii) All applications should be sent by post using the following address; •

 Executive director,

 District Council,

 S.L.P.  160,


 Deadline for receipt of application letters dated 13/01/2022 at 9:30 PM

 NB: Applications that will be submitted by hand will not be considered

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