Good Neighbors Tanzania jobs: Consultancy Service



Good neighbors
Good Neighbors Tanzania

Consultancy Service
Job Details

Good Neighbors Tanzania
HO – Salasala,Madale,Fukayosi,Bagamoyo and Kigamboni Community Development Project.2022
Area office -Nambinzo and Shitunguru Community Development Project.2022
Position type
Formation and Training of 30 Savings Groups in 7 Community development project (CDPs).

Nambinzo ward, Mbozi District, Songwe Regional and Salasala, Madale, Fukayosi ,Bagamoyo and Kigamboni CDP’s in Dar-es-salaam Region.
45 Days (From 1st June 2022 – 15th July 2022)
Reporting to
Income generation Manager

In order to make ‘the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony’, we need to promote not only social empowerment but economic empowerment. People can only begin to think about the future when they are free from everyday survival. Our initiatives focus on breaking this vicious cycle of poverty. Since the start of our international development activities in 1994, we have made it our principle to work towards promoting self-reliance not just providing unidirectional aid. In order to develop self-reliance among the poor, we have supported various income generation activities throughout the world. Based on this experience, we adopted social economic activities as one of our main priorities in 2014. Since then, we have been promoting economic self-reliance through income generation groups, cooperatives, and social enterprises.

Through Income Generating Department (IGD) GNTZ is supporting the community in reduction and alleviate poverty focusing on poor people and vulnerable groups. In Tanzania savings behavior and capital still is a major challenge for many people to start or improve their income generating activities. In Tanzania rural and semi urban people do not access bamks to open accounts for savings which affect many households to have good income and sustain themselves in getting human basic needs.

To improve and increase household savings behavior and being as sources of capital to rural and vulnerable groups GNTZ plan to form and train 30 Savings Groups in his CDP.s The aim of this is to make sure people who have no access to bank or financial services can establish or improve their IGA through loan from Saving groups and increase saving behavior.

Fukayosi, Bagamoyo,Kigamboni,Salasala,Madale,Nambinzo and Shitunguru Community Development Projects (CDPs) are part of HGNTZ HO located in Pwani,Dar es salaam and Songwe regions.

GNTZ to plan and organized a training on Savings Group (SG) methodology under the theme, “Empower rural and vulnerable groups in savings to drive financial inclusion project through savings groups.” The seminar, will be facilitated by selected firm/personal/individual consultant/facilitator, guided participants through learning principles, SG community entry, the various group formation models and digitalization of the record-keeping processes within savings groups.

Rural communities have limited access to formal financial Institutions, but a growing majority belong to saving groups. These saving groups could have the potential to improve household income and access to basic needs services among others in the society.

Formation and Savings Group Training Objectives
The four dimensions of resilience are framed in terms of building Anticipatory, Adaptive, Absorptive transformative Capacity with communities. Therefore, this facilitator is meant to build the capacity of in Nambinzo and Shitunguru for exploring and adaptation of Savings Group approaches through guidance on VSLA operations related to Government of Tanzania procedures on CMGs, formation, and sharing of successful models for economic development, sustainability, and self-reliance. Following are the key objectives that this facilitator is set to achieve:
– Formation of Saving groups in all mentioned community development projects.
– Beneficiaries to be trained on the concept that does Saving Group increase resilience through changes in the financial capabilities of households, especially changes in income
– Members is to be oriented on the establishment, operation, and record-keeping of Saving Group
– To train and capacitate 600 members on group management and their responsibilities.
– Empower community members to form savings groups among themselves
– To empower and enable women to engage in savings groups so as to improve their income-generating activities

Scope of Work
This facilitating involves training of 600 beneficiaries from all mentioned community development projects (CDPs) Project. Following are the key areas to be focused:
· How to improve communities’ behavior and attitude towards savings, loans, and income generation
· Establishing of community-saving groups and introduction of saving group concept
· Saving Group Management structures and gender composition.
· Recording keeping, especially e-recording application
· Loaning, entrepreneurship, and recovery processes.

Roles and Responsibilities of The Facilitator
vPreparation of Saving groups training manual as specified under tier 4 of microfinance act and timeline for providing the training to the beneficiaries.
vFacilitate 12 days of training of each CDP
vTo submit final training report which presents the formation and training activity result, recommendation, and other related content

The facilitator is expected to develop a detailed training methodology and training approaches based on their understanding of the terms of reference. Following are the expected key tasks for facilitating in both places (Nambinzo, Shitunguru, and Dar-es-salaam CDPs)
ü Develop course outline and contents of the Training related to Community Financial Groups.
ü Prepare handouts for the participants on relevant content from the course outline.
ü Prepare a training delivery schedule.
ü Submit the final training documents (manual and PowerPoint slides, group work exercise, etc.
ü Prepare and submit the training reports with photographs of the participants

Contract and Logistics
§ The facilitator will sign a contract including terms and conditions of the facilitating and payment modalities.
§ The facilitator’s travel costs (to and from locations), as well as accommodation, will be in contract
§ While working in the field, the facilitator will be offered office space where GNTZ has a field office
§ Facilitator will organize his own logistics from town to the respective field (In the mentioned CDPs)

The venue will be organized by GNTZ with collaboration with Local government authorities and facilitator

Qualifications and Experience
1. University Advanced diploma or degree in Banking and Finance, Business Administration, Economics related disciple including, microfinance, agro-economics, development studies, s Entrepreneurship, and another relevant discipline.
2. Master’s Degree in the above discipline will be added advantage.
3. Minimum of 5 years of proven working experience in the field of livelihoods and Savings groups model in rural and urban community development projects with a strong focus on micro finances, small business management, and women empowerment.
4. Demonstrated experience in facilitation of VSLA/Savings Group training and use of participatory and adult learning techniques. Must have proven conducted similar work for other INGOs or UN agencies.
5. Have presentation skills and good report writing skills
6. Ability and experience in Saving groups e-recording applications, especially Management information system (MIS SAVIX), and Dream start lab application.
7. Fluent in both Swahili and English languages, both written and verbal.
8. Ability to travel to remote villages in Nambinzo and Shitunguru CDPs in the Songwe region.

· CVs of the consultants/the consultant team including details on how they meet the required specializations.
· Methods: Consultants/firms should submit a detailed methodology as part of their proposal, which will include an explanation of how this proposal will achieve the study objectives, taking the guidance given in the ToR.
· Business training manual with the schedule for five days
· Quotation, which shows the total cost for all services mentioned before
· Background and Certificates (Business License, TIN, or VAT certificate)
· Study experience and capability: The consultancy/firm should detail organizational experience and capability in handling the work.
· Two examples of similar approved work – signed and stamped

The interested candidate is requiring to submit the sealed proposal with the full requested supportive document by 26th May 2022 to Procurement and Logistic, Good Neighbors Tanzania, located at Boko Chama P.O.BOX 33104 or directly to the email below:

Incomplete applications will not be considered and only candidates for whom there is further interest will be contacted

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