Green Bird College
Tutors in Pharmacy, Clinical medicine and IT departments
Pharmacy tutor
1. Degree in Pharmacy
3. Teaching methodology
4. Experience at least 2 years and above
5. Female applicants are highly encouraged
6.Experience in administration will be advantageous for applicants
Clinical Medicine Tutor
1. Degree of medicine
2. License
3. Experience of at least 2 years and above
4. Female applicants are highly encouraged
Duties & responsibilities
1. To teach college students from level 4 to 6
2. To supervise and oversee the learning process of college students
3.To perform other duties may be assigned by the administration
IT Tutor & Exams coordinator
Degree in IT
To teach IT students and basics of computer knowledge to the rest of college students
To manage exams and all results issues of the college
Application deadline: 20th Jan 2023
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