Pool Vehicle Driver (1) at Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC)

Pool Vehicle Driver (1) at Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC)


Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC)

The Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC) (www.kvtc-tz.com) in Tanzania is Africa’s largest privately owned teak forest and timber business.  KVTC is looking for a suitable Pool Vehicle Driver (PVD) to mainly provide driving services for the head office logistics.


Position: Pool Vehicle Driver (1)


Reporting Responsibilities

Vehicle Workshop Manager (VWM), KVTC


Type Of Contract – Permanent



To provide secure and timely driving services to transport passengers and/or goods. Deliver payment transfers to the bank and/or the suppliers, assist with postage and with pick up of office purchases, and any other tasks required by Head of Section or his/her substitutes.


Functions and duties:

ü Transport of persons, goods and / or documents (Function type: Logistic Support)

ü Provide transportation for KVTC Management, other employees of KVTC, DPSO office and visitors from Dar es Salaam.

ü Deliver payment transfers to the bank and/or the suppliers, conduct cash purchases for office expenditure – Distribute mail as needed, both incoming and outgoing

ü Pick up flight tickets

ü Deliver correspondence to government authorities and assist in processing various permits (such as airport pass etc.)

ü Facilitate airport pickups for visitors and transportation during official visits Service vehicle maintenance management

ü Schedule annual vehicle examination for service vehicles with the Transportation Department and apply for the renewal for the vehicle license

ü Determine when and what kind of maintenance the vehicle needs, keep track of general maintenance schedules, especially car tyre condition.

ü Do daily vehicles and see to it that vehicles are prepared for safari.

ü Ensure sound running of the vehicles assigned and arrange minor repairs where necessary.

ü Check oil and tyres properly and keep the service vehicles in clean condition, both inside and outside – Keep track of timely car insurance renewals

ü Update monthly mileage records – Maintain logbook of each service vehicle on daily basis



ü Proven experience as a Driver for at least 10years in the field

ü A valid driver’s license

ü A clean driving records

ü Knowledge of area roads and neighborhoods

ü Availability to occasionally take weekend and night shifts

ü A polite and professional disposition

ü Ability to remain calm in stressful driving situations (e.g. at rush hour)

ü A form four or high schooldiploma

ü Fluent in both English and Swahili

ü Must live in Mavimba Village.

ü Women Candidates with related qualifications will highly be considered for the position.



Mavimba, Morogoro Region in Tanzania. (Approx 35kms south of Ifakara.)


Applicants should email their CV, copies of certificates and application letter by the 15th of August 2023 to hr@kvtc-tz.com

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