The Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) is built on the foundation of the former University
College of Education Zanzibar (UCEZ) established in 1998 by a charity organization, Kuwait based, Direct-Aid (DA). In line with her expansion, the University is also restructuring her programs and creating positions to accommodate her current needs.
Therefore, Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) wishes to invite applications from suitably qualified and competent Individuals to fill the academic and Administrative vacant posts as follows: –
1. FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Departments: Linguistics and Arabic
- Assistant Lecturer /Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Arabic language (One (1) post)
- Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer /Senior Lecturer in English Language – Linguistics (Two (2) Posts)
Department: Education
- Assistant Lecturer /Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Educational Curriculum and Instruction (One (1) post)
Department: Social Studies
- Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer /Senior Lecturer in History (One (1) post) ii. Lecturer /Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Geography (One (1) post)
Department: Counselling and Psychology
- Lecturer /Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Counselling Psychology (Two (2) posts)
2. FACULTY OF SCIENCES Department: Natural Sciences
- Assistant Lecturer /Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Information Technologies – IT (Three (3) posts) ii. Assistant Lecturer /Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in Physics (One
(1) post). iii. Assistant Lecturer /Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in Biology (One
(1) post).
- Assistant Lecturer /Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in Mathematics (One (1) post).
3. Department: Natural Sciences
- Tutorial Assistant of Physics (One (1) post).
- Tutorial Assistant of Mathematics (One (1) post).
1. Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer
- Holder of PhD plus a Master’s degree with a GPA of 4.0 or better and Undergraduate Degree with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the relevant field.
- A successful candidate must possess experience in college level teaching.
- Candidates with additional credentials are encouraged to apply.
2. Assistant Lecturer
- Holder of master’s degree with a GPA of at least 4.0 and an Undergraduate Degree with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the relevant field.
- Prior experience in teaching at university level is an added advantage.
3. Tutorial Assistant (TA)
ï‚· Holder of Undergraduate Degree with a minimum GPA of 4.0 or 4.5 in the relevant field.
- Essential Roles and Responsibilities
- Teaching responsibilities will include undergraduate courses and supervision of students’ research.
- Maintaining an active research program that results in publishing in peer-reviewed journals and obtaining external funding for research.
- Designing/Develop undergraduate and graduate academic programs.
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the university.
Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT),
P.O. Box 1933,
Email: recruitment@sumait.ac.tz
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