EMPLOYER Tume ya Kudhibiti UKIMWI Tanzania (TACAIDS)
APPLICATION TIMELINE: 2024-11-08 2024-11-28
i.To formulate policy guidelines for the response to HIV and AIDS epidemic and management of its operationalization through the National Strategy in Mainland Tanzania;
ii.To develop Strategic Framework for planning of all HIV and AIDS control programmes and activities within the overall National Multi-Sectoral strategy;
iii.To foster National and International linkages among all stake holders through proper co-ordination of all HIV and AIDS prevention control programmes and activities within the overall national strategy;
iv.To mobilize, disburse and monitor resources and ensure equitable distribution;
v.To disseminate and share information on HIV and AIDS epidemic and its consequences in Tanzania on the programmes for its prevention and control;
vi.To promote research, information sharing and documentation on HIV and AIDS prevention and control;
vii.To promote high level advocacy and education on HIV and AIDS;
viii.To monitor and evaluate all on-going HIV and AIDS activities;
ix.To coordinate all activities related to the management of the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Tanzania as per National Multi-Sectoral Strategy;
x.To facilitate efforts to find a cure, promote access to treatment and care, and develop vaccines;
xi.To protect human and communal rights of people infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS in collaboration with relevant sector;
xii.To promote positive living of people living with HIV and AIDS;
xiii.To advise the government on all matters relating to HIV and AIDS prevention and control in Mainland Tanzania;
xiv.To identify obstacles to the implementation of HIV and AIDS, prevention and control policies, programmes and ensure the implementation and attainment of programmes, activities and targets;
xv.To supervise all activities related to the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS epidemic and in particular regarding to; health care and counselling of HIV and AIDS patients; the welfare of the orphans and other survivors of the people infected with HIV and AIDS; handling of social, economic, cultural and legal issues related to AIDS epidemic;
xvi.Build and maintain effective partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, Donors, and other stakeholders to enhance collaboration and coordination in the HIV and AIDS response;
xvii.Ensure compliance with relevant Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines governing the operations of TACAIDS;
xviii.Manage the organization’s Budget, resources, and financial performance to achieve optimal results and accountability;
xix.Represent TACAIDS at National and International forums, conferences, and events to raise awareness and advocate for HIV/AIDS-related issues;
xx.Prepare and present regular reports to the Commission and Prime Minister’s Office on the Commission’s performance, achievements, and challenges; and
xxi.In collaboration with relevant sectors perform such other activities and functions relating to the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS epidemic in Mainland Tanzania as the Commission may deem necessary.
Master Degree in Public Health, HIV and AIDS or a related field from recognized institutions. Candidate Medical back ground will be an added advantage.
REMUNERATION As per Government scale
How to Apply:
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