Action Against Hunger water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions bring significant improvement in school hygiene for students in the Mpwapwa District.
We construct improved toilets and train pupils and teachers on how to make sanitary pads skills that are passed on to other children.
We screen children for malnutrition and provide nutrition and health education in the Singida and Dodoma regions.
Through our therapeutic feeding units, hundreds of severely acutely malnourished children are successfully treated. We also train community health workers to provide health and nutrition services to their communities.
Action Against Hunger continues to implement the Gender Equitable Nutrition project to improve nutrition for the poorest and most marginalized people, focusing on women, adolescent girls, and children.
Other notable programs include l promoting community-based responses to food and l nutrition needs and working to accelerate national l response to acute malnutrition in children.
Tanzania has experienced significant economic growth over the past two decades with agriculture being the nation’s economic backbone, employing 70% of the population. Even so, the burden of undernutrition remains high and unequal.
The organization is an equal opportunity employer.
The organization is inviting applications from candidates to apply for new vacant positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF FILE BELOW:
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