OPEN UNIVERSITY: Selected Students to Join The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Round Two
The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Is a public University, established by the Act of Parliament No 1708 1992. Repealed and Replaced by the OUT Charter Inc. of 2007 Since January 1st 2007 and since then the University has been operating under this Charter which is in line with the Universities Act No. 7 of 2005. It's stated mission is to persistently provide relevant, quality, flexible, accessible, and affordable open online education, research, and services to the community for social economic development of Tanzania, Africa and the rest of the world.
The Open University of Tanzania operates through its headquarters in Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam and its 27 Regional Centres in each region of Tanzania Mainland and Four (4) Coordination Contres in Zanzibar, Pemba, Kahama and Tunduru Islands. The University also has coordination centres in Kenya, Namibia, Uganda, Ghana, Ethiopia and Zambia.
Applicants Selected to Join The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Bachelor Degree Programmes 2019/2020 Academic.
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