NECTA Form Six Results 2021 | Check Here

NECTA Form Six Results 2021 | Check Here



NECTA Form Six Results 2021

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE)

This is offered to candidates who have completed two years of secondary education (advanced level) and have had three credits at CSEE level.

The Examination Calendar
The ACSEE is administered on the first week of May every year.

The objectives of ACSEE
The objectives of this examination are to assess the learner’s knowledge and ability to pursue with further education such as diploma and degree courses; to examine the extent to which the learners can use the skills gained to meet the social, political, economic and technological challenges for the individual and the national development at large. Therefore, candidates at this level are expected to possess the following skills in a broad range of activities: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Eligibility of Candidates who Seats for the Examination
  • This examination is offered to candidates who have completed two years of secondary education (advanced level) and have had three credits at CSEE level.
Examined Subjects/Courses
The examined subject sat ACSEE are as follow: General Studies which is compulsory subject; other subject are grouped in combination, i.e., natural science which include Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM), Physics Chemistry and Biology (PCB), Physics Geography and Mathematics (PGM), Economics, Geography and Mathematics (EGM), Chemistry, Biology and Geography (CBG), Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture (CBA) and Chemistry, Biology and Food and Human Nutrition (CBN).

Another category is Arts Combinations which Includes History, Geography and English Language (HGL), History, Geography and Kiswahili (HGK), History, Kiswahili and English Language (HKL), Kiswahili, English Language and French (KLF), Economics, Commerce and Accountancy (ECA) and History, Geography and Economics (HGE)

Examination Formats
Each subject has an examination format, which describes the structure of the examination paper,
rubric and the content in which that particular examination covers. The details of subjects addressed are shown in individual examinations formats that can be accessed in the examination formats link.

 CHECK FORM SIX RESULTS 2021 | ACSEE NECTA Form Six Results all year are following below:-
Released Today: 10th July, 2021.
NECTA Form SIX Results 2021: CLICK HE


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