
Digital Mobile Africa (DMA) is Big Data-Driven AgriFintech with A Certified Agrodealer Agent Network, MSME Retail Merchants and Mobile-focused Digital Financial Services for Smallholder Farmer Ecosystem.

We are strong believers in Tech, especially mobile technology, as a catalyst to rapid economic growth, Financial Inclusion, International Development, Sustainability and Eradication of poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa where Mobile Devices are now accessible to the under-served and disadvantaged masses.

Our Vision is to be The Most Respected Fintech Company in Africa and to achieve this, means doing business ethically and putting human needs and value first. We have set goals to bring easy to use financial services products on mobiles to the communities, stakeholders and individuals we serve. We also shall partner with those who have tried before us, learn and improve our solutions to grow Agribusiness Digital Extension Services throughout Africa for the development and continued value addition to business growth and better livelihoods.

Key DMA Value Propositions are to drive Access to Trade Finance, Access to Quality Agricultural Inputs at the right price at the farm gate, GAP Information, Know-how and Access Markets and Buyers.

We do Customer  eKYC profiling, Collect and maintain Live Ground Truth Datasets to offer Trends, Insights, Predictive Analytics, AI and Data Science-powered Financial Services, Digital Marketplace, Products & Services to the ecosystems we serve.

Key to achieve our mission is to work closely with Regulators, Governments and key value chain stakeholders to lead in the data management standards, data protection and provide Real Financial Services Value to all our customers.

Our Approach is to embed our solutions into the lifestyles of our customers who we believe act both individually and as a community and therefore need solutions that bring a best-of-both-worlds customer experience.

Our Promise is to provide the best Digital Social Banking Experiences to Groups of business-minded individuals.

DMA Limited seeks one Project Manager to assist smallholder farmer communities and AMCOS in Lake Zone Region, District and Village levels to improve their livelihoods through engaging in Agriculture. Increase of number of smallholder farmers moving from subsistence farming to Agribusiness. The interventions shall be aimed at triggering higher demand for Certified Agri-inputs, Digital Financial Services, Climate Smart Agricultural Information Services and Sustainable Market and Buyer access. DMA Limited (Digital Mobile Africa) has a mission to ensure smallholder farmers become more market and business-oriented by establishing a mix of digital and boots-on-the-ground ecosystem interventions through which farmers can increase productivity and incomes served via Digital Agents (VIDA) and Mobile Village Agent Digital Extension Services.

Main responsibilities:

The Project Manager is the key Field project and product monitoring staff member for DMA.

She/he shall be responsible for the implementation and regular reporting of VIDA LOCAL services and products in the Lake Zone. The Lake Zone Project Manager will lead field implementation phases of all DMA products & services, providing digital product knowledge to farmers, arranging workshops, guiding all field teams and reporting on field results to DMA HQ and partners.



  • Establishing effective project communication plans and ensuring smooth execution
  • Achieve project milestones and timelines
  • Monitor project deliverable and field team performance as budgeted.
  • Update relevant stakeholders or team members on the project progress
  • Coach and support project team members with tasks you assign them
  • Establish partnership with other relevant stakeholders as appropriate such as farmer cooperatives;
  • Assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility;
  • Strengthening and maintaining relations with relevant government line ministries and private sector/research institutions to coordinate the adoption of new VIDA LOCAL products and services approaches in agriculture development and marketing;
  • Build alliances and coordinate partnerships with local Agri-focused organisations with significant extension network to help with farmer mobilization and buy-in during implementation phase;
  • Lead on project mobilization and outreach to farmers. Organize, promote and manage outreach events.
  • Actively strengthen linkages with all project partnerships, NGO’s, private sector, service providers and government agencies in supporting and addressing various farmer needs;
  • Develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress;


  • Bachelor's Degree and equivalent experience in Smallholder Agribusiness
  • Strong business acumen in project planning and management
  • Strong verbal, written, and organizational skills