Quality Improvement Officer at MDH

Quality Improvement Officer at MDH

Quality Improvement Officer at MDH

Job Title: Quality Improvement Officer

Reports to : DACC

Deadline: 2nd December 2022

Location: Dar es Salaam

Job Summary:

The District Duality Improvement Officer will be an overall technical lead in all matters pertaining to integrating projects’ Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) as per the Tanzanian Government and PEPFAR standards. She/he will provide technical support to strengthen Quality improvement for the services offered at the district, health facility and community levels. The DQI Officer will focus on providing technical support to MDH supported sites and communities to use standardized national/international acceptable CQI approaches for gap analysis and integrate CQI activities as well as scale up best practices. He/she will capacitate the sites to data visualization and use for CQI through strengthening the use of existing Government CQI data and tools at sites and community levels.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Support the health facilities in the district to establish and activate functional Quality Improvement Teams (QIT) and Work Improvement Teams (WIT).
  2. Support the health facilities /district teams to review performance, identify gaps and areas for improvement and assist the teams to prepare plans for improvement.
  3. Support follow up implementation of quality improvement initiatives at the health facilities.
  4. Assist program staff of the respective district to plan, conduct evaluation and survey to identify gaps at the facilities and respective districts.
  5. Facilitate onsite monthly and district quarterly QI meetings to share challenges and successes in implementation of quality improvement projects within the respective districts.
  6. In collaboration with CHMT conduct quarterly supportive supervision in respective district.
  7. Conduct mentorship on the identified gaps and challenges found during supportive supervision.
  8.  Ensure QI goals and initiatives for the health facilities and district are set based on the national and program priorities.
  9. Work closely with CHMT, District QI Coordinator and Program Managers in building capacity of health care workers on Quality improvement.
  10. Performa any other duties that may be assigned by the Supervisor.

Requirements: Education, Work experience and Skills:

  1. Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Medicine, Nursing or related field registered/ licensed      with relevant professional board.
  2. At least one-year experience in implementing quality improvement activities.
  3. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience working in public health programs/services.
  4. Experience in planning and implementing quality improvement activities.
  5. Having knowledge of QI Model and QI Approaches.
  6. Experience in writing reports, best practices and lessons learned.
  7. Excellent written and verbal communication skills with fluency in English and Kiswahili.
  8. Strong computer skills (MS Excel, Access, Word, and PowerPoint presentations.
  9. Ability to provide high quality technical assistance to the District in all matters pertaining to Quality improvement (CQI).
  10. Ability to lead and work with a diverse group of health workers, patients etc. to implement CQI at the communities and health facilities.
  11. Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and achieve the project targets.
  12. Hard working individual with very strong problem-solving skills.

 Special Employment Condition

Contract that will end on 29th September 2023

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How to Apply:

To Apply for this Job register or login to https://recruitment.mdh.or.tz/ and from the Dashboard click on Search Vacancies button.

The deadline for submitting the application is 2 December 2022.


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