59 Job Vacancies at Tanganyika District Council - Various Posts


59 Job Vacancies at Tanganyika District Council - Various Posts
 Tanganyika District is one of the districts of Katavi Region. The headquarters is Mpanda. Until the beginning of 2016 this district was known as “Mpanda Rural District” (Mpanda District Council). The name comes from Lake Tanganyika located on the eastern border of the area.

In the 2012 census, the district’s population was estimated at 179,136. The district headquarters is being built in Majalila village currently in Tongwa ward. The appointment followed Majalila’s qualifications for being easily accessible due to being located along the main road from Mpanda – Kigoma, the presence of two water tanks, and being in the plan to benefit from REA (Rural Electricity Agency)

Historically, Mpanda District Council was established in 1983 and is among of two districts established in Katavi region in 2012 from the former Mpanda district which was in Rukwa region. The other districts are Mlele and Tanganyika District. Later on five councils emerged, i.e. Mpanda Municipal Council, Mpanda District Council, Mpimbwe District Council, Mlele District Council and Nsimbo District Council.


Mpanda District council shares borders with Uvinza District (Kigoma region) in the North, Mlele DC  to the East, Nkasi DC (Rukwa region) on the South, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to the west through Lake Tanganyika. The headquarters is located in Mpanda township along the Sumbawanga-Kigoma road. 

1.2  AREA COVERAGE AND POPULATION SIZE Mpanda DC has a total area of 16,911 sq. kms which is about 36 percent of the total area of Katavi region most of which is plain land with very few hills and valleys which is equivalent to 1,691,100  hectares which can be further subdivided into three broad classes according to utilization.

The council climate varies with attitude and closely associated with two distinctive landscape zones namely the highlands and the lowlands. It has an altitude ranging from 1,000 to 2,500 meters above sea level and temperatures between 260C and 300C annually. Mean annual rainfall ranges from 920 mm to 1,200 mm. The council is characterized by highlands, small mountain peaks, steep hills, gentle plateaus and plains. Miombo woodlands, tropical and savannah wooded grasslands and thorny bushes are the most predominately vegetation in the council.


59 Employment Opportunities from the  Tanganyika District Council in Katavi  Region, September 2021, Please Tap or Click on the Link Below to view the Job descriptions;-


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