80 Job vacancies at GCLA, PC & KCMC


 The Government Chemist Laboratory Authority is an Executive Authority under the Ministry of Health.

 The Laboratory is Mandated in carrying out laboratory testing of food, drugs, Industrial and natural products samples; forensic and toxicological samples; Regulates and controls Human DNA. 

The Authority is expected to better meet the requirements of its customers and public in general.

 The Pharmacy Council (PC) is the statutory body establishes under the Pharmacy Act, Cap 311 to regulate the pharmacy professionals practice and related matters.

 We maintain the high standards of pharmacy education and evaluate the competency of intern pharmacists and overseas prior registering in order to ensure pharmacists have the skills and knowledge to deliver effective health care that meets the changing needs of the community. 

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre is located in the foothills of the snowcapped, Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. It was opened in March 1971 by the Good Samaritan Foundation, who planned and raised large funds to build and equip it.

 KCMC is a zonal referral hospital for over 15 million people in Northern Tanzania. The hospital is a huge complex with over 600 beds, with hundreds of outpatients and visitors coming to the Centre every day. Over 1000 staff are employed at the centre.


On behalf of Government Chemist Laboratory Authority (GCLA), The Pharmacy Council of Tanzania, and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC),  Utumishi invites dynamic and suitable qualified Tanzanians to fill (80) vacant posts. 

Read full details of these vacancies from the PDF file below:


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