Job Opportunities at Rafiki - SDO



Rafiki sdo

 Rafiki-SDO is currently implementing the Keeping

Adolescent Girls in School (KAGIS). 

The Keeping Adolescent Girls in School (KAGIS) project is a (5 years) project funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by Plan International. 

The ultimate outcome of this project is to ensure that girls realize their rights to safe, quality, gender-responsive education by improving the participation of adolescent girls in primary and secondary education.

 The project will increase girls’ agency – defined as the capacity to act and express power in one’s life – by building their knowledge and skills related to GE, SRHR and GBV, and by creating an enabling environment amongst parents and communities for girls’ participation in decision-making about their SRHR and increased value of girls’ education (Outcome 1100).

 It will also improve the quality of gender-responsive teaching and learning in schools, increase the availability of GR school facilities such as latrines and access to adolescentfriendly sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, and provide re entry points for out-of-school (OoS) girls all of which will increase the opportunities for girls to acquire a full quality basic education (Outcome 1200).

 Finally, the project will work with district and local level education authorities to improve their systems and competencies to support the enrolment, retention, transition, and overall meaningful participation of girls in education by increasing the availability of reliable gender-disaggregated data and supporting greater accountability (Outcome1300)


The organization is hiring for new positions. Read full details from the PDF file below:


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