New Internship Opportunity for the Project 'Digital Skills at GIZ


Intern for the Project “Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry” (dSkills@EA) in the area of capacity building and entrepreneurship

Field of Activity

The regional East African Community (EAC) project “Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry” (dSkills@EA) builds on its predecessor and continues to support the “Centre of Excellence for ICT in East Africa” (CENIT@EA) by further improving the quality and sustainability of the Master Programme “Embedded and Mobile Systems” (MSc EMoS), such as through close collaboration and involvement of businesses. Furthermore, short course trainings on advanced digital skills for different target groups (unemployed graduates, ICT experts in private and public sector, university staff) are offered throughout the EAC. The trainings compliment the two-years MSc EMoS, offered at CENIT@EA at the Nelson Mandela African Institution for Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in Arusha, Tanzania. Finally, dSkills@EA improves the digital innovation and entrepreneurship capacity of young East African students at universities in the EAC through a regional network of innovation hubs, multi-stakeholder dialogues, and matchmaking mechanisms with companies.

dSkills@EA is part of the technical development cooperation between the EAC and Germany. The political partner is the EAC Secretariat in Arusha and the main implementation partner is the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), together with an East African-German academic consortium and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The academic consortium is led by NM-AIST and the University of Oldenburg in Germany. Further partners include innovation hubs, national and regional industry associations as well as regional and international companies.

Your Tasks

The intern will support the implementation of the dSkills@EA project, which aims at strengthening employment and innovation-related digital skills of young people in the East African Community Partner States Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. In particular, the intern will support the areas of innovation transfer and entrepreneurship as well as capacity building. Moreover, the intern will support the knowledge management and general project management.

This includes:

  • Working with the team to deliver high quality and timely measures for entrepreneurship support and innovation transfer at universities in the EAC
  • Supporting the establishment of a regional East African network of digital entrepreneurship support institutions
  • Supporting the project’s event series that brings together academia and private sector on specific ICT topics
  • Supporting the development and implementation of needs-based capacity trainings for digital skills for various target groups like youth, private and public sector
  • Supporting the external communication of the project in the social media and through the development of articles on events or academia-industry collaboration
  • Supporting the ongoing updating of project information on the EAC-GIZ website
  • Supporting project management and the team in day-to-day activities such as logistical support of meetings, minutes of the meetings compilation, online research etc.

Your Profile

You have a bachelor’s or masters’ degree in studies such as Business, Economics, Information and Communication Technologies or another related area. You possess basic knowledge and experience in innovation and entrepreneurship, digital skills capacity building and regional collaboration.

Good intercultural skills, experience in working in an international context, excellent communication and cooperation skills and strategic thinking are among your special strengths. You can express your thoughts very well in writing and orally in English; knowledge of German is not required but would be an additional benefit. You can explain complex facts and circumstances in easily understandable language. You are a good team player, well organized, able to work independently and grasp new topics and knowledge areas quickly. You are a proficient user of the Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Assignment Period and deadline for submission of application

01.11.2021 - 30.04.2022;

Only applications (soft copies) which reach us by 3 October 2021 will be considered.

What we offer You will be paid a fixed lump sum.

Other information

Please be informed that you are only allowed to apply for this internship, if you are currently enrolled as a student or have graduated not longer than six months ago.

GIZ would like to increase the proportion of employees with disability. Applications from persons with disabilities are most welcome.

Contact : Simon Hochstein (

The Deadline for Submitting Applications is 3rd October , 2021.

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